Management, evolution, and organizational leadership
We help professionals and companies to become, together,
the protagonists of their own stories and markets.
We help professionals and companies to become, together,
the protagonists of their own stories and markets.
Being fulfilled at work is most people' dream, and managing a truly engaged team is the goal for most organizations. Passionate people produce more and better, satisfying themselves and developing the entire ecosystem they are linked to. Therefore, the stronger the bond between people and organizations, the greater the value of what they produce together tends to be.
At WePeople, we transform people to value organizations – which, of course, includes the people themselves. We see the strengths of each team or professional and work to develop and organize them as a cohesive, aligned, and purpose-driven workforce. In this way, we help people and organizations to become the protagonists of their own stories: the best versions of what they want and can be.
We consider the big picture and invest in systemic growth, constant evolution, and the strengthening of solid and lasting value structures for all stakeholders. This is our way to build a more prosperous and more human future. After all, the future of people is also the future of organizations.
Transformamos ideias produtivas e bem-estruturadas a fim de gerar evoluções e mudanças sustentáveis.
Contemplamos sempre o todo ao invés de um conjunto de partes, integrando metodologias, fundamentações e melhores práticas
Apoiamos pessoas e organizações em seus processos evolutivos, co-criando soluções.
Enxergamos o potencial de cada profissional e organização e trabalhamos para fluir o seu valor.
Management, evolution, and organizational leadership
We serve customers from all areas and segments
Com mais de 100 anos de história, o CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personel Development) é o principal órgão europeu de pesquisa, discussão e evolução das áreas de Desenvolvimento Organizacional e Gestão de Pessoas. A WePeople se orgulha de, desde 2006, integrar esse grupo de mais 160.000 profissionais dedicados a projetar o futuro do trabalho.
Our team is made up of professionals with years of experience in transformation
Postgraduate in Business Strategy from ASG University in Florida, he also holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP. He has worked as an executive in the field of Software Technology for over 25 years, holding management positions in the world's largest multinational companies, such as Accenture, SAP, and Oracle. In 2015, he specialized in succession mapping projects with a systemic business vision, change management, and organizational culture projects, executive coaching, and corporate mentoring, as well as strategic people management interventions. As a partner at WePeople, he is responsible for business management and expansion. Since 2016, he has been a member of the CIPD, the main European body and one of the most renowned worldwide, dedicated to Organizational Development and People Management.
Mestre em Gestão de Pessoas pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV, com especialização em Human Rigths pela London School of Economics (Londres) e Spirit in Business (Índia) é formada em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG. Certificada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa, atua há mais de 20 anos nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de mudanças, desenvolvimento e transformação organizacional, mentoria para executivos e formação de lideranças, mapeamento sucessório e perenidade corporativa. Sócia da WePeople, é responsável pela direção técnica dos projetos e pela representação da empresa no Grupo de Membros do CIPD – principal órgão europeu e um dos mais renomados do mundo quando o assunto é Desenvolvimento Organizacional e Gestão de Pessoas. Desde 2016, é professora da FIA/USP para assuntos de análise de potencial e mapeamento sucessório organizacional.
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